Ready to discover the ancient city with Cappadocia Travel Pass®?
Cost efficient. Easy to Use. All digital!
One pass for 35+ attractions. Starting from only €175!
Buy now and Save up to 70%. Savings guaranteed!
WhatsApp Support. Free digital guide book.
Skip the ticket lines!
Flexible travel. Cancel whenever you want.
Contact free. Covid safe!
Help us reach more people and become a part of our family! Acquire knowledge about qualifications and requirements of becoming a reseller.
1. Travel agencies that resell travel products to individual end users.
2. Travel agencies/organizations that plan group travel and resell/offer travel products within a package.
If you intend to resell Cappadocia Travel Pass® to individual end users, you need to become an Authorized Reseller. After receiving your application, we usually take up to 72 hours to process your application. As soon as you are granted the authorized resellership, you can start selling Cappadocia Travel Pass® to your clients.
If your business fits more into the “group” description then you do not need to become an Authorized Reseller. If you are planning a group travel, you can get a quote for our regular passes or a custom pass that fits more to your needs.
4.8 out of 5 stars
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